Thursday, April 26, 2007

Introduction & Paragraph writing Assignment

For this assignment, you will need a piece of writing paper,

Write your name, class and date.

“Young people today are so fortunate.”

Is this true of young people in your country?


  • an introduction (paragraph to state your stand)
  • an argument (1 paragraph using the PEEL format)
  • due Wednesday, 2 May, 6 pm

What should you do when you see the essay question?

Identify the topic: Young people in your country (context)

Issue: They are so fortunate now

Focus: fortunate <--- Your arguments should focus on whether youths are fortunate.

Key terms: young people, today, ‘so fortunate’

Define key terms: *vague / imprecise

“Today” implies a comparison with young people of the past *don’t have to define but need to be highlighted throughout the essay

“so fortunate”: not just fortunate but very/ extremely fortunate, almost excessively so.

Fortunate: blessed/ lucky/ privileged/ advantaged (your arguments should be linked to your definition of ‘fortunate’)

How do you approach the question?

This is a YES/ NO question.

The more balanced approach is to take the ‘No’ stand.

Reminder: Do not develop your argument through examples. Come up with points!

Sample argument:

  • Young Singaporeans live in a time of peace. We do not need to face war or social unrest unlike the past generations. Our forefathers endured turbulent times in the past. (Point & Elaboration)The World War II, racial riots in the sixties and the Cold War uncertainties (Eg *relevant) caused youths in those chaotic days to fight for survival. Being in a safe and secure environment, with a strong stable government and armed forces, young Singaporeans today can sleep soundly at night. Since they do not have to suffer turmoils of war, youths today are indeed privileged. (Link back to the topic)

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