Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Essay Writing Competition

Express your thoughts on the following
Subject matter with your insights!
Significant details,
Ample material and apt illustrations could win
YOU Attractive Prizes!

Answer one question. Dead line: Thurs 24 May 2 pm
Your essay should be between 500 to 800 words in length.

1. 'Religion only provides an excuse to avoid personal responsibility for actions.' What are your views?

2. Do traditional games still have a role in your country?

3. 'Art is meant to disturb; science reassures.' How far is this comment by Georges Braque true?

4. Is the idea of achieving happiness still a realistic one?

5. 'Language hides the truth more than it reveals it.' Do you agree?

6. Should blogging be restricted in any way?

Submit to your GP Rep or drop in my pigeon hole outside staff rm, No. 12

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