Thursday, October 29, 2009

SGC Draft Check

Pls check the SGC draft from 11 Nov to 27 Nov during the GP lectures on 3 and 4 nov.
No other changes will be allowed after the final check on 26 Nov.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

how to be a better parent or teacher

Appreciate: look for positive, acknowledge and affirm, catch them doing good. Respect: command, not demand. Give before you get. Be aware of the example you are setting. Empathsize : Walk in their shoes, understand the background and culture, dont judge or condemn.

how to connect with youths

be friendly, firm, fair, flexible and fun! Be friendly- be approachable: smile and adopt an open mind. Be firm - set the parameters correct so that youths feel secure and safe. Be firm - so they wont climb over your head. Be fair- youths feel they have seen too much unfairness or injustice. Be flexible- respond to change. Dont overreact or too fast. Be fun- show that you can have positive fun that is safe and good. From a course by CARE Singapore

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Service Recognition Award

Congrats to the following 07S3 students who will be receiving the Service Recognition Award.
Thanks for contributing so much to the school and community!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

An inspiring teacher - Lee Xuan Man

Teacher's Day is coming up in 2 weeks' time.
The life story of my colleague, an MI Chinese teacher, Ms Lee Xuan Man, will be featured in a Teachers' Day Special Programme on Channel 8 on 01-09-09, 10.30pm.

It is a very moving and inspiring story.
Do catch it and enjoy.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

CIP Records

Students please verify the CIP records by signing.You are to approach either Ms Annie Koh or Mr Nasser should there be any records that are missing or need to be updated.
The students must bring documentary evidence for record updating by Fri, 14 Aug 2009.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I have been raving about e-books and audio books after I bought my Nokia Xpress 5800. I can read anytime, anywhere without squeezing a bulky book in my lil' tote. My favourite site is Wattpad which has an user-friendly app. If you are sick of reading your textbooks, take some time off to read or listen to a short story. I recommend The Four Million by O Henry, who was an ex-convict. Listened to the audio version during my 11-hour bus trip back from Malaysia. Hope this will help you cope with examination stress! ^_^

Monday, July 27, 2009

Turn up on Wed 29 Jul 09 for QSC survey

It is compulsory to do the survey.
See you on Wed HT period.



Thursday, July 23, 2009

Quality School Survey

07S3 please report on Monday 23 July 2009
08:20 am
O Hub
Attendance is compulsory for all PU 3 students.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Payment for KS Bull

Those who ordered KS Bull, please pay $4 to me by Wed, July 22nd.
Thanks and enjoy reading!

Change in classrm on 23 July

Due to H1N1 measures which will have to be taken for the Listening Comprehension A-level Examinations, PU3 afternoon consultation classes next Thursday, 23/7, will have to be moved.
* GP: F07 to 01-13
* GP: F08 to 01-14
* GP: F09 to 02-13
* GP: F10 to 02-14
* Geog: 02-01 to 02-15
* Geog: 04-01 to 02-16

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Response to Week 3 Consultation

First of all, thank you for your attendance and feedback for consultation.
Here are some responses to your feedback given.

1) Suggestion to practise Paper 1 and Paper 2. Mock exam. Improve time management.
Go through answers immediately in 2nd half of consultation period.
- Definitely will have timed practice. Be prepared.
- Paper 1 need time to mark so it is difficult to give immediate feedback
- Application of Paper 2 skills - please bring SSQ notes
- Time yourself using an alarm clock, like what I do in class.

2) Reinforcement of skills
- Practise, correction, consultation.

3) In-depth elaboration about marker's comment.
- Fix 1-to-1 personal consultation time with either marker or tutor. Subject to available slots and initiative.

4) Go through entire essay. Going through what or why went wrong.
- It is very draining and taxing to go through the entire essay for each student for a class in 3 hours, although I aim to do so as far as possible. Hence, today's consultation was focused on improving introduction and argument construction, and I have given personal consultation to every student.
- Understand the marker's comments and do your corrections to close the learning gaps.

5) Go through answering the essay question
- Have done that during question analysis session earlier. Handout given and gone through. Where were you?

6) Go through how to construct topic sentences.
- Since the essay is already written, it is best that you correct the topic sentences written, ask yourself if it answers the question, then seek peer or tutor's feedback. If your question analysis is wrong in the first place, your TS will most probably be wrong too.

7) Devote 1 hour to skill revision and discussion. More interaction
- Correction is considered as skill revision?
- Definitely will have time for skill revision, see 1)
- Discussion about what? Issues? We have done topical discussion for the past 2 years. Please get back to me on this.
- Interaction in terms of? Debate? Group work? 7 more weeks to end of Term 3.

8) Content for less popular topics
- Content lectures were postponed due to HINI so perhaps you can read up on the topics that you are interested in from the recommended websites earlier.

9) 2 periods of consultation only
- Not within my control.

My observations are some students are still not giving their best despite the urgency towards A Levels, as they are not focusing on their tasks, long and frequent breaks and poor attendance. So much so as I can give you professional guidance, it is your future at risk so it is your choice to decide what warrants your focus.

Monday, July 13, 2009

07S3: Bring $33

For 07S3 students:
Please bring $33 CASH for Edusave co-payment by Wed

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Temperature taking procedure

(1) Morning temperature-taking:
* Home Tutors to conduct in the home room at 8am;
* Fill in the pink form (will be placed at Irene's counter, where you write your daily temperature);
* Submit to personnel on-patrol by 08:15am.

(2) Afternoon temperature-taking:
* Subject Teachers to conduct at 11:55 am (before period ends);
* Fill in the pink form (you may want to keep some extra pink forms with you);
* Teacher/Student submit to General Office by 1pm.

Class Photo-taking

It's the annual class photo-taking session!
Argh, I can't wear eye make-up >_<"
Anyway, here are the details
07S3 15-JUL [wed] 12 40

This year we shall try something slightly different ->
- class gets to choose from 3 locations
- class can bring some props/items that give a class identity (in informal shots only) e.g. posters with big letterings etc.

Kindly inform Class Reps of the following:
Duties of Class Reps:

* Ensure class is Punctual, Properly Attired [FULL UNIFORM + PIN], QUEUE up according to HEIGHT
* Inform photographers of the chosen location [STADIUM or ART GALLERY or POND]
* co-ordinate class effort in bringing of props/items that give class identity in INFORMAL shots
[ NO OFFENSIVE SIGNAGES/GESTURES etc , else ONLY Formal shots will be on sale for that class]

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Do statistics mean anything?

There is a question about statistics in the 2008 Paper 1 and I didn't have much content about it until I read this article.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

30 Rock

Do you watch 30 Rock? This award-winning American situational comedy is a must-watch. Watch this clip of Season 3 finale, insanely funny.


Students always ask, "Where can I find concrete examples?" They are everywhere in your life, the things you read, discuss and experience but the key is not how much you know but how you apply them hence the significance and meaning of the concrete examples must be related to the question, showing explicitly the link.
One of the problems with the examples cited in the essays are insignificant or anecdotal so the task is to cite relevant and important examples. I came across a website that creates Top 10 lists of almost everything. Fed me, the info-addict, a lot of trivia. >_<"
Oh, with regards to the question, "How important are dreams?" Here is a list of Top 10 Amazing Facts about Dreams (literally)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Pro-life delusion

Was thinking about the 2008 Paper 1 question "Are we putting too much faith in statistics?" and came across this article about the rise of pro-lifers in USA, 'proven' by a poll.
All statistics have a caveat that they are not 100% accurate so one cannot fault the numbers when the 0.00001% of chance results did not turn out as predicted.
Are we over-trusting the charts? If yes, why so much trust? What can happen if we trust statistics too much?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Melted honey in a tube!

Ate charcoal-baked Taiwanese sweet potato which is heavenly! A golden melted honey delight :) Saw this fad diet purporting sweet potatoes as a carbo replacement, to eat as lunch 3 times a week to improve digestion. If i can get my hands on these Taiwanese tubers from the local wet markets, i don't mind eating them everyday. Even better than the Japanese purple sweet potatoes. Try these golden delights at Thomson Plaza, opposite kopitiam food court. $1.25 per 100g. A small one costs about $2

Monday, May 18, 2009

Afterthoughts on Proof

Watched a play, Proof, last Friday. Thanks to Arf for buying the tickets. The play is about mathematics and madness which personally, are two traits I possess. Although I teach language, I enjoy Mathematics immensely- the elegant display of proving theories and finding solutions. There are different means to the end but eventually, the problem will be solved and a sense of gratification engulfs me. YES!!! This play shows that even with proof, sometimes the end result is nothing. Futile efforts. And madness. I identified with the protagonist, Catherine but Wendy said I resemble Claire, the common sensical sister more. Yeah, maybe the organic shampoo part and the self-absorbed ramblings. The search for clarity and identity which Catherine seeks resonates with my goals. Maybe I should attempt Paper 5, just for self accomplishment. Heh


trying to moblog; mobile blogging. Smart phones are essential in my life. I am such a info-addict, need to seek knowledge and updates constantly that i dislike this umbilical cord-like connectedness to the Internet. However, if i continue to resent technology, i will fall behind and most likely be swept away by the tidal wave of globalisation. Oh, this phone doesn't allow me to edit the previous sentence unless i delete the current one so i am forced to express accurately. Even writing on paper has correction tape! Wonder if i will Twitter soon?


2 weeks to the end of Term 2 and the start of June holidays~~~~~
I can' believe how fast time flies this year. I guess teaching Year 3 makes a huge difference. Marking and consultation just take up so much time that I have not much time to finish reading my library books. Sorry, Lee Hwa! (school librarian)

Tried not to fall sick as much as possible in this flu season. However, my entire family caught the flu bug so I wasn't spared too. By Wednesday, I was barely surviving so I set MC work for Thursday so that students would be able to complete the syllabus.
Unfortunately, many students do not have the discipline to finish the work set. Sometimes I wonder why I am trying so hard when my efforts are unappreciated or even trampled. My performance bonus is dependent on the pass rate but what matters more is the students who are taking the examinations at the end of the year, not me. When students take MC frivolously, miss tests or important lessons, I felt a twinge of disappointment. Not only because their grades will suffer, this lack of responsibility will harm them in all aspects of life - work, family, friends, themselves.

Seeing how irresponsibility lead to regret, hurt or worst, death, sometimes I want to tell such people to wake up and face reality. But I can't because I neither have the strength nor they want to bear the 'burden' of responsibility. Follow AW's mantra, "I choose to do it", not "I have to do it". Seeing the task as a choice, not a duty, frees my mind and my spirit is willing and my body can complete it.

I aim to be responsible, not escape. May I have strength to create new possibilities and fulfil my responsibilities.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Don't be a blogger here

Are bloggers renegades? Read FP's post about the identity of bloggers and the NGO, Committee to Protect Journalists' list of 10 Worst Countries to be a BloggerCheck out the latest attacks on the press in various countries.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Debate about Marxism

Is Karl Marx Right?
Yes! Thoroughly Modern Marx
I need to read Karl Marx's Das Kapital.

Five Diseases worse than Swine Flu

Swine flu has infected 1,500 people worldwide and killed around 30, almost all in Mexico. But it is far from the world's most serious disease outbreak. Here are five you probably won't see on the evening news.
2.Spinal meningitis
4. Ebola
5. Dengue Fever
To what extent are these diseases affecting your society? Is governmental aid the best way to prevent these diseases?

Alternative lifestyle and hate tags

In light of the AWARE saga, all sexuality education workshops conducted by external vendors are suspended.

As GP tutors, we discuss controversial issues such as alternative lifestyle which everyone has their own convictions so our job is to present various POVs while trying to avoid questions about my personal view.
The rise of the 'pink dollar' and the much-debated repeal of Section 377A serve as case studies but not valid arguments. Bearing in mind that teachers do not promote such lifestyles and need to guide students accordingly, I fear that some students may misinterpret my words which explain the numerous hate tags I get.

MOE Press Release mentions:
'GP lessons are meant to promote critical thinking and discussion on contemporary issues. They (teachers) should adhere to social norms and values of our mainstream society."

As a teacher, I will not promote anything that might be deemed as negative or socially unacceptable. Hence, hopefully students will refrain from making biased judgments about me.

With regards to the discussion of human rights, I would like to emphasise the main idea - the degree of freedom is dependable on the society one lives in and one's beliefs. Taking risk is one's freedom but one needs to be accountable too. When you post hate tags, think about why you do that and what it reflects of you.

Exam Tips

Besides the usual practice, be careful, spot questions, do mind maps, I shared with a class some personal exam tips and most found them amusing - to the extent of being ludicrous. Do share with me your exam tips.

Tip 1. Use the same model of pen from Day 1. Buy in bulk.
Reason: To be familiar with the pen, feel how it rolls as you write. As my friend recollected, 2 of her pens ran out of ink by her 3rd last paper during O-levels.

Tip 2: Only use waterproof ink pens, eg. ball-point pens. Never use gel-based pens.
Reason: If water is accidentally spilled on the script, the ink will smudge. Markers, who are also humans, drink water so the probability of water spillage is extremely high.

Tip 3: Learn how to tie your script with a string.
Reason: If you tie too tightly, the paper will rip when you flip them so tie loosely and the knot is tight. If you try to tie a butterfly knot, the string provided is too short. So learn how to tie the string.

Tip 4: Write your FULL name and attempted Qns no. on every page of your script.
Reason: The string may break. To rearrange the answers in order. The marker don't know your nickname.

Tip 5: Stay awake and focused.
Reason: Every minute you doze off/ day dream/ look at your crush, is one minute wasted to think about or answer the question. A close friend even refused to go to the toilet during Chemistry examinations because he was afraid of not completing the paper. In the end, he sh*t in his pants and was ridiculed for the entire year (life). Seem embarrassing but this is a sacrifice that determined students make to get an 'A'. Crazy huh?

Tip 6: Exercise your hand

Reason: Especially for essay papers, one may need to write more than 10 pages in 90 minutes so your hand will get tired. Unless you are ambidextrous like my husband who can write with either hand, do some warm-up exercises before the paper. He learnt to write with both hands because his History paper was extremely tough. Again, crazy but logical strategies that the elites adopt to achieve their goals!

Tip 7: Visualise how you will react and feel when you are doing and completed the paper
Reason: Self-fulfilling prophecy. If you feel like a failure or imagine that the paper is going to kill you, you are more likely not to do well. When I study, I like to imagine whatever I am studying is going to come out in the examinations and I can score full marks. When the examiner reads my script, he will go, "Hmm... this person deserves an A!" hahaha... sounds so silly but I don't know why, the topics that I studied (spotted) usually are tested in the examinations. Maybe this makes me arrogant - not much major failures in my life or they may be failures but I don't see them in similar ways (denial?)

Tip 8: Always check your answers. (contributed by Vivian, my Uni mate)
Reason: Check for errors to minimise careless mistakes and reduce unnecessary loss of marks. My Math prodigy friends used to do their Math paper TWICE before the stipulated time is up. To quote these geniuses, "No room for error. Check, check, checkmate!"

Tip 9: Bring a jacket (contributed by Vivian, my Uni mate)
Reason: Especially when the examination hall is air-conditioned, it may get too cold which affects your concentration. If you need absolute silence to concentrate, bring ear plugs too.

Tip 10: Good time management and practise under timed conditions
Reason: Do not listen to music when you study. Music relaxes you but you may not perform well when no music is played. To get used to examination conditions (where there is no music, sitting alone), one should always practise examination papers in similar conditions (eg. limited time).

Ok, need to set Mid-year examination questions now!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Vocabulary lists

Have you been doing the vocabulary lists? Please check the answers on the noticeboard and use these words in your essay and AQ writing.

Up-to-date, I have given
1. Types of people - useful for different point-of-views
2. Virtues and Vices - philosophical or character arguments
3. Media - for media-related arguments
4. War and Peace - for war and terror, governance style arguments
5. Debate and Disposition - very useful for essay and AQ writing
6. English Language - language awareness, especially punctuation and grammar

Upcoming lists
Logic - identifying flawed arguments, useful for AQ writing

Remember you are taking the examination so please be responsible for your own learning. What I can do is to help you prepare for it.
Hang in there~

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lecture musings

Haven't been updating much because I am swamped by work.

This year, I am teaching PU3, the graduating batch so have to go the extra mile.
Realised that almost 80% of my ex-students are not taught by other tutors, it is good to have a new perspective and change of methods. Some have came back and thanked me for my structured teaching style, apologised for not being more appreciated or even b*tched about me or skipped my class often because the lessons were not interesting enough.
If you happen to hate my style, voice or have whatever problems with me, it might be better for both of us to not to face each other anymore.

Started to lecture this year, quite an exhilarating and tiring experience.
300 pairs of eyes observing every single move you make. Paying attention - not to the teaching content but the clothes, the actions, the speech, picking out errors and highlighting to neighbours, sniggers and whispers.

Acknowledged that there is a slight accent when I speak and trying to get rid of it (although my colleague attributed the accent as mental pause when I'm thinking as I talk, no need to change for idiots)

Same goes for the comments that I'm a better dresser now because I'm trying to attract attention and the amusing rumour that I'm having an affair with a colleague, if you have so much time to gossip, why not spend more time on your studies?