Monday, May 18, 2009


2 weeks to the end of Term 2 and the start of June holidays~~~~~
I can' believe how fast time flies this year. I guess teaching Year 3 makes a huge difference. Marking and consultation just take up so much time that I have not much time to finish reading my library books. Sorry, Lee Hwa! (school librarian)

Tried not to fall sick as much as possible in this flu season. However, my entire family caught the flu bug so I wasn't spared too. By Wednesday, I was barely surviving so I set MC work for Thursday so that students would be able to complete the syllabus.
Unfortunately, many students do not have the discipline to finish the work set. Sometimes I wonder why I am trying so hard when my efforts are unappreciated or even trampled. My performance bonus is dependent on the pass rate but what matters more is the students who are taking the examinations at the end of the year, not me. When students take MC frivolously, miss tests or important lessons, I felt a twinge of disappointment. Not only because their grades will suffer, this lack of responsibility will harm them in all aspects of life - work, family, friends, themselves.

Seeing how irresponsibility lead to regret, hurt or worst, death, sometimes I want to tell such people to wake up and face reality. But I can't because I neither have the strength nor they want to bear the 'burden' of responsibility. Follow AW's mantra, "I choose to do it", not "I have to do it". Seeing the task as a choice, not a duty, frees my mind and my spirit is willing and my body can complete it.

I aim to be responsible, not escape. May I have strength to create new possibilities and fulfil my responsibilities.

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